WOKE & LOUD: A Faith-Based Medley of Muslim Poetry and Spoken Word

WOKE & LOUD: A Faith-Based Medley of Muslim Poetry and Spoken Word


Paperback, May 2019

Edited by Laila Hasib

A kaleidoscope of visions, beliefs, voices, emotions and action awaits within these pages. One person talking to another.
A collection of 36 Muslim poets and spoken word artists. First of its kind.

Reading Preview

A tiny sampling…
By Bariki Omowale Muhibullah
How do we change an unjust system?
A immoral backward system.
A neo mass incarceration plantation system.
A designed slavery for profit system
justified under the umbrella of punishment.
A jim crow police brutality lynching system.
A system that steep in the denigration and inhumane treatment of humanity.
A fail moral system that give birth to white supremacist, racism and a white power structure system govern by the state authorities.
We must first start with our own willingness to change that within the beast we live in.
Change is not a fruit waiting to be fall to the ground when ripen,
nor is the path to change is pave with rose petals.
Change is to be capable to make the fruits fall to the ground,
let your sweat flows like water and water the seeds of the future.

Temporary Fruit for Thought
By Husayn Jamshidi

Book Title WOKE & LOUD: A Faith-Based Medley of Muslim Poetry and Spoken Word
Publisher Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing
Type Books
Date Published Sep 25, 2021

Paperback, May 2019

Edited by Laila Hasib

A kaleidoscope of visions, beliefs, voices, emotions and action awaits within these pages. One person talking to another.
A collection of 36 Muslim poets and spoken word artists. First of its kind.

Reading Preview

A tiny sampling…
By Bariki Omowale Muhibullah
How do we change an unjust system?
A immoral backward system.
A neo mass incarceration plantation system.
A designed slavery for profit system
justified under the umbrella of punishment.
A jim crow police brutality lynching system.
A system that steep in the denigration and inhumane treatment of humanity.
A fail moral system that give birth to white supremacist, racism and a white power structure system govern by the state authorities.
We must first start with our own willingness to change that within the beast we live in.
Change is not a fruit waiting to be fall to the ground when ripen,
nor is the path to change is pave with rose petals.
Change is to be capable to make the fruits fall to the ground,
let your sweat flows like water and water the seeds of the future.

Temporary Fruit for Thought
By Husayn Jamshidi

I’m a child in need of a change
Needing the Unchangeable
Talking about myself
Pretending to know, pretending to act
Making the choice to have no choice
A drawn out verse, a bottomless ocean
A linear expression bent into a perfect circle
Like thanking You
For the ability to thank You…

Ahl al-Bayt (a.s.)
By Shaykh Husayn El-Mekki Abdullah-Aziz
Peace be unto thee
Who removed injustice
Like a bad cavity
Gave freedom to you and me
Like the gift of legs to an amputee
The Prince of Shuhadah
Dying thirsty in Naynawa
I love you
Like Angels love Karbala
A diamond in a rough -
A pearl
Leader of the Free World
Survived by his wife and son
While on his wounded chest
Lie his baby girl
O Abā Abdullah
I have this notion
That you set in motion
The revolution
That could move
The mountains & the ocean!


  • Paperback: 463 pages
  • Publisher: Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing (May 2019)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 978-1-7750112-2-4
  • Product Dimensions: 8.5” X 5.5”
  • Shipping Weight: 1.25 lb


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