Jaffery Propgation Comittee (JPC)

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1000 Ayats Revealed About Imam Ali (as) (Hard Cover)- Sayyid Hashim Bahraani
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This book is only a minuscule example of the huge contribution of the author to the science of Shia exegesis....
A Divine Perspective on Rights
A detailed commentary on the Treatise of Rights as narrated by our fourth Imam, Ali bin Husayn (as). This commentary...
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A Victim Lost in Saqifah
This text is a collection of every conjecture on the events of Saqifa and the repercussions it had on Islamic...
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Abu Talib The Bulwark of Islam
Abu Talib, known as The Bulwark of Islam, is the subject of this book. Although he was not a Prophet,...
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Ameer Mukhtar
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On the life of Muktar Al Thaqafi - This book is an easy read about the life of this great...
Bilal of Africa
Bilal ibn Rabah al-Habashi (580-640) was the first person of known African ancestry to convert to Islam. He was a loyal...
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Bilals' Bedtime Stories
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A 3 Volume set of great stories about the Prophets, Aimmah and Awliyallah to read to children at bedtime!
Biographies of the Learned
This compendium of the biographies of the great and divine religious scholars. Their untiring labors meant that the true message...
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Burial Rituals
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Let us create a scenario in which you are sitting in front of a very sick friend or a relative...
Business Etiquette & Professions: Rules Of Law & Ahlul Bayt (A.S.) Regarding Professions
Business Etiquette and Professions This booklet though not that long deals in detail about the rules of the Quran and...
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Fatima the Radiant: Excellence of Lady Fatima Zahra (sa)
Since the Lord of the worlds has rightly adorned the Holy Prophet and His Holy Family with the apparel of...
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Kitab Sulaym Ibn Qays Al Hilali- Trs. Sayyid Ali Abid Rizvi
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The Book of Sulaym ibn Qays (Arabic: كِتَاب سُلَيْم بن قَيْس, romanized: Kitāb Sulaym ibn Qays) is the oldest known...
Mikyalil Makaarim (2 Vol)- Ayt Isfahani
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This text titled "Mikyalul Makarim" authored by Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammad Taqi Musawi Isfahani is a two-part book about the perfection...
Perfection of Faith and Completion of Divine Favor- Kamaluddin Wa Tamaamun Ne'ma- Sheikh Saduq
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Any investigation to find the exact time of the reappearance of our Imam is fruitless and our duty is to wait....
Principles of Fatih- Ayat. Vahid Khorasani
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This book contains both logical and textual proofs for the tenets and principles of Islam. It is written by one...
The Glad Tidings of Mustafa for the Shia of Murtaza (HBK)- Shaykh Al Tabari
The book, The Glad Tidings of Mustafa for the Shia of Murtaz’a, boasts a collection of over five hundred and...
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The Tranqil Self- Naf al Mutmainnah- Ayt Dastaghaib Shirazi
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Imam Husain (a.s.) is the perfect example of the tranquil self (Nafs-e-Mutmainna) "O soul that art at rest! Return to...