Top 5 reads of 2021

Top 5 reads of 2021

Salaam Alaykum Dear readers,

What an unprecedented year it has been! With lock down after lock down, disruptions in travel and a whole raft of challenges, the mumineen have remain steadfast!

This year has been unprecedented in the number of fantastic English Shia books on offer! To whittle it down to out top 5 reads was certainly a difficult task as so much good work has been published this year! In any case, we hope you can grab some of these brilliant titles to read over the holiday season!



This book came out early in 2021 and was an instant favorite with out patrons. It charts out the life of a young bride of Shaheed in the Iran-Iraq war who braves her own emotions and needs with that of service in the way of God. A great summer read!


Number 4

Islamic Governance

Islamic Governance - Vol 1- First Principles

With so little of this genre available in English, this made it to the top 5 list due to its brilliant analysis of the principle of Islamic Governance and, as an extension, that of leadership. This book needs to reach every community leader in the Muslim Ummah!


Number 3

Peace Be Upon Ibrahim (VOL 2)

A sequel to the hugely popular Vol 1 of this book, this book continues in the same trend of narrating inspiring anecdotes from the life of this extraordinary man. It naturally encourages all, especially the youth to aim higher in spirituality and getting closer to Allah the Almighty.


Number 2

Chronicles of Imam Husain (as)

One of the most brilliant books that has graced our shelves. This hefty book is a treasure of scholarship where the author has painstakingly collected all available narrations of the life of Imam Al- Husain (as) including the tragedy of Karbala. Its not only inspiring but is comprehensive.


Number 1

Rhianna's Dream

It was difficult to choose the top book of the year, however realizing that the captivation of books is not prevalent within the community, this book is so highly engaging that those non-readers will find themselves unable to put it down! A great introduction to Islamic literature, this unique story and its themes rooted in respect, Sunni-Shia theology, love, intrigue and importantly the concept of Imam Al Asr and cultivating a love for our Imam is truly unique.

 If you have any particular suggestions for the top 5 this year, please do let us know! We know one thing, 2021 will be even more difficult to judge as some of the titles we have gotten wind of will blow our mind!

 We pray for the success of all the great dedicated souls working on producing such great literature for us to consume! We also pray for the lengthy life of our great scholars who a re alive and a great reward for our scholars who have passed. - Al Fatihah!





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